“He Loves You (When She’s Not Around),” the latest single by No Rehearsal (@norehearsalband), a blues group based in Humble, TX, is definitely not a blues song. In fact, it’s straight-up indie. While NR has classified themselves as a blues band, “He Loves You” demonstrates that they can be whoever the hell they want to be and still pull it off!
The rhythm section, consisting of David Shorey on drums and Christian Mireles on bass, is absolutely stellar, with each member playing their intricate parts with ease. Matt Cobb’s voice is as good as ever, taking center stage where his soulful guitar solos might instead steal the show.
“He Loves You” is very well written, both musically and lyrically, and this is most evident in the last two minutes of the song. The guitars descend in an almost-chromatic scale and the mood slows and darkens as the lyrics become more bluesy. The song disappears in a cloud of dissonant arpeggios and fuzzy distortion, combining indie and blues in one artistic stroke.
Overall, a great way to wrap up NR’s EP, entitled “Before The Midnight Hour,” while also showing off their versatility as artists. Be sure to check out No Rehearsal on Soundcloud and follow them on Twitter (@NR_norehearsal) for updates on new releases and upcoming shows, and info on how to purchase their music. Have a great day everyone!!!